The Tale Behind Goloogoloo
A Legacy of Authenticity

The Story of Goloogoloo: A Legacy of Sincerity and Vision

In the heart of Esfahan, amid the bustling bazaars and ancient winding streets, lies a tale that gave birth to our brand’s name – Goloogoloo. It’s a story that begins with a man, a calf named Goloo, and an unexpected encounter that would symbolize an enduring legacy of purity and sincerity.

The Village and the Man
In a small, quaint village near Esfahan lived a simple, kind-hearted man known for his naivety and genuine nature. His cherished companion was a calf he adoringly named Goloo. The bond between the man and Goloo was well-known in the village, a testament to loyalty and affection.

The Prank and the Revelation
One fateful day, a boar found its way into the man’s barn. Seizing an opportunity for mischief, his friends playfully tricked him, telling him Goloo was in the barn. As was his nature, the man stood outside the barn, calling out “Goloo, Goloo, come out.” To his surprise, and that of his friends, it wasn’t Goloo that emerged but the startled boar, which charged out, causing a commotion before disappearing into the wilderness.

The Symbolism
This incident became a cherished village story, passed down through generations. “GolooGoloo” became synonymous with purity, simplicity, and an unpretentious approach to life. It was a reminder that sometimes, in our innocence and trust, we find the most profound truths.

The Legacy of Masoud Alirezaei
Centuries later, Masoud Alirezaei, a direct descendant of the man from the tale, founded Goloogoloo Ltd. Inspired by his grand uncle’s story, Masoud saw in “Goloogoloo” more than just a family anecdote; he saw the embodiment of values he wished to instill in his business: sincerity, authenticity, and a straightforward approach to solving problems.

Goloogoloo Today
Today, Goloogoloo Ltd stands as a beacon in the advertising world, holding true to these principles. We approach each project with the same sincerity and simplicity, cutting through complexity to deliver clear, effective solutions. Our name is a constant reminder of our commitment to genuine, transparent partnerships and our belief in the power of straightforward, heartfelt communication.

In the story of Goloogoloo, we find our roots, our ethos, and our vision. Join us in embracing these values, and let’s create a narrative of success and sincerity together.

GolooGoloo logo

The Story Behind Goloogoloo’s Logo

The Story Behind Goloogoloo’s Logo: A Blend of Ancient Symbolism and Modern Inspiration

The logo of Goloogoloo Ltd is more than just a visual identity; it is a tapestry woven from the rich threads of history and cultural heritage. Rooted in the ancient lands of Persia, our logo finds its inspiration from two distinct yet harmoniously intertwined elements – the calf, a symbol of innocence and purity, and an age-old Persian symbol hailing from the majestic ruins of Persepolis.


Persepolis, the ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid Empire, stands as a testament to the grandeur of ancient Persian culture. Among its many treasures is a collection of symbols and motifs, each narrating stories of a civilisation that valued art, wisdom, and unity. Our logo incorporates one such symbol, renowned for its representation of endurance and timeless elegance. This symbol, deeply etched in the annals of Persian history, reflects a legacy that transcends millennia.

The Calf Motif

The calf, central to our brand’s story, draws from the tale of Goloogoloo in a quaint village near Esfahan. This calf, named Goloo, symbolizes purity, simplicity, and a heartfelt connection to the roots. Just like Goloo left an indelible mark on the hearts of the village, our brand aims to imprint a lasting impact in the world of advertising.


In combining these two elements, the Goloogoloo logo embodies a fusion of historical depth and modern simplicity. The ancient Persian symbol brings a touch of timeless wisdom and resilience, while the calf motif infuses a sense of freshness, innovation, and approachable elegance. Together, they represent the ethos of Goloogoloo Ltd – a company that respects the lessons of the past while boldly embracing the future.

GolooGoloo logo

Our logo is not just an emblem; it is our commitment to uphold the values it symbolises – creativity, integrity, and a deep respect for cultural heritage. In every curve and line of our logo, we carry the legacy of Persepolis and the purity symbolized by the calf, ensuring that these enduring principles mark every service we provide.

GolooGoloo Advertising Agency


Goloogoloo’s logo stands as a bridge between the ancient and the modern, the simple and the profound. It is a reminder that there is always room for stories that speak of timeless values and enduring inspirations in the world of fast-paced digital marketing.